New podcast episode: Feel the Robot – haptic intelligence

Cyber Valley Podcast with Katherine J. Kuchenbecker and Ilja Mirsky

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A new episode of the Cyber Valley podcast “Direktdurchwahl” is online. In the sixth episode our public engagement managers Rebecca Beiter and Patrick Klügel explore the research on haptic intelligence: How does our sense of touch work? Why is the human hand a marvelous wonder? What must machines be able to do in order to grasp objects? What can we learn about ourselves from robotics?

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IMPRS-IS Spokesperson
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm 20220420 kluegel patrick 02
Public Engagement Manager
Thumb ticker sm 20220504 beiter rebecca 01 heller
Director Communication & Society (CCO)
Cyber Valley GmbH

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