Exhibition: Cyber and the City
Artificial intelligence moves Tübingen

The Exhibition
Twelve students of Empirical Cultural Studies and 20 students of the Master's programme Machine Learning have developed and produced this exhibition together with the Stadtmuseum within three semesters. The exhibition clarifies the facts and developments and provides space for debates about the use and misuse of the new technologies. Hands-on stations show visitors how machine learning works and how it can be used. Protagonists from the AI location Tübingen, which is part of Cyber Valley, from science, politics and business have their say, as do the critics and protagonists of the protests. With her work "Humano[i]de", the artist Sabine Bloch has created a photographic-artistic commentary on the topic especially for this exhibition, which is presented in a cabinet room.
Cyber and the City. Artificial Intelligence Moves Tübingen
February 11 to October 22, 2023
Wednesday to Sunday 11:00–17:00.
City Museum Tübingen, Kornhausstraße 10
Free admission
All interested people are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition on Friday, February 10, from 18:00 CET at Tübingen Stadtmuseum, Kornhausstraße 10. The opening will be held in German.
- Boris Palmer, Lord Mayor of the University City of Tübingen,
- Prof. Dr. Karla Pollmann, Rector of the University of Tübingen,
- Students from the Ludwig Uhland Institute for Empirical Cultural Studies and the Master's programme in Machine Learning, and
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Thiemeyer and Prof. Dr. Ulrike von Luxburg, representing the team of curators.
The speeches will take place outside in front of the Stadtmuseum (in case of bad weather inside).
Invitation to the press conference
We cordially invite media representatives to a tour of the exhibition on Friday, 10 February, 11:00 CET, at the Stadtmuseum, Kornhausstraße 10. Museum director Wiebke Ratzeburg, curators Prof. Dr. Thomas Thiemeyer and Guido Szymanska and students from the project group will be present.
Contact for further information
Claudia Salden
Universitätsstadt Tübingen
+49 (0)7071 204-1500
Antje Karbe
Universität Tübingen
+49 (0)7071 29-76789
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