27 October 2021
• 14:30
| Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart-Vaihingen
Ethical and social considerations for the use of AI
Dialogue between Cyber Valley, Fraunhofer IAO and FST
For some time already, scientists have been working on mathematical-technical systems that are supposed to rationalize, make more efficient and facilitate workload in a so-called intelligent manner. A wide variety of different models or systems have been created on the basis of so-called machine learning. They are are often summarized under the popular term artificial intelligence. A core question is, how (human) decisions can be transferred to an algorithmic system and according to which mathematizable criteria these (assistance) systems should make decisions.

With inputs from:
- Dr. Matthias Tröndle, Cyber Valley General Manager
- Welf Schröter, Head of Forum Soziale Technikgestaltung at DGB Baden-Württemberg
- Dr. Jessica Heesen, International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, University of Tübingen
- Dr. Matthias Peissner, Head of Human-Technology Interactiob, Fraunhofer IAO
- Monika Heim, Festo SE & Co. KG, Work Council Esslingen
Host: Patrick Klügel, Cyber Valley Public Engagement Manager
The trade union-affiliated “Forum Soziale Technikgestaltung” (FST) has been dealing with the humanization of digitally supported working environments for 30 years. For several years now, the FST has been developing criteria for the design of algorithmic control and decision-making systems. In the workshop, the current status of the FST criteria will be discussed and developed. In addition to the term assistance technology, the FST speaks of the design of delegation technology.
Admission free. Registration required via email to Welf Schröter: schroeter@talheimer.de