15. April 2020
• 13:30
ELLIS against Covid-19
The world is facing a public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all need to take this on, and science can make a major contribution. This online workshop will present projects on how to tackle Covid-19 using methods of machine learning and AI, carried out by leading international researchers.
Research topics include outbreak prediction, epidemiological modelling, drug development, viral and host genome sequencing, and health care management.

* Speakers and talk titles are subject to change
* All times in Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Time Session 1:30pm 1:40pmIntroduction
- Max Welling
Diagnostics: molecular and imaging
- Fabian Theis (15 min): "Leveraging single-cell transcriptomics to understand the molecular basis for SARS-CoV-2 distribution in the population"
- Victor Greiff (15 min): "Methods for mining the adaptive immune repertoire for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics and therapeutics"
- Clarisa Sanchez (15 min): "CT analysis using machine learning to address COVID-19"
- Questions & Discussion (15 min)
Modeling and tracing
- Bernhard Schölkopf (15 min): "COVID-19 machine learning projects at Max Planck Institute"
- Luca Feretti (15 min): "Quantifying SARS-CoV-2 transmission suggests epidemic control with digital contact tracing"
- Questions & Discussion (10 min)
Data & platforms
- Mads Nielsen (5 min): "Overview of Danish ICU risk assessment study"
- Russ Taylor (5 min): "Telerobotics for Intensive Care Unit"
- Cecilia Mascolo (5 min): "Mobile Health Diagnostics through Audio Signals: a COVID-19 case study"
- Questions & Discussion (15 min)
Concluding discussions
- General Discussion and Wrap-Ups (10 min)
- End of meeting
Send questions and comments to the speakers here: https://forms.gle/u1YngqpimVPuwYZT6
ELLIS Institute Tübingen & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Johns Hopkins University
University of Cambridge
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Johns Hopkins University
University of Oslo
Johns Hopkins University
Helmholtz Center Munich
University of Oxford
University of Amsterdam