Public engagement

AI and society: Exploring possible futures

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Public Engagement Manager
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Cyber Storys

Cyber Storys is an AI short story competition for students from grade 7 onwards from Baden-Württemberg. The competition is open to all types of schools. With their ideas and visions, the students provide new impulses for future AI research. The competition begins on April 4, and the submission deadline is June 14, 2022. Cyber Valley will award the prizes at the Stuttgart Science Festival in the summer of 2022. The ideas from the stories will then be fed back to AI researchers. In this way, the visions of young citizens help shape the AI of the future.
To the Cyber Storys Website

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AI Makerspace

The AI Makerspace is a joint project of the University of Tübingen, Cyber Valley, the Tübingen Youth Community Council and the Bundeswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz (BWKI) of the Tübingen AI Center, funded by the Vector Foundation Stuttgart. The open space in Tübingen’s city center is equipped with laptops, 3D printer, cutting plotter, laser cutter, podcast studio and other work spaces. The focus is on artificial intelligence (AI). Students and young adults can learn programming here, realize their own ideas with or without AI, and receive help with hobby projects. There are also events and discussion rounds with AI researchers. The goal is to promote AI competence among young people.

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AI office hours

Once a month, you have the opportunity to meet Cyber Valley researchers and ask your questions about artificial intelligence (AI) at our AI Office Hours. Scientists from various disciplines will provide insights into their research and potential areas of application. The AI office hours are a good way to get first-hand information in a comprehensible way. You don't need to have any prior knowledge about AI. Simply sign up and participate!

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AI and journalism: Journalist-in-residence program

Beginning in October 2023, the winners of this year's Journalist-in-Residence program will research ways to make sense of artificial intelligence in journalism. During their three-month residency in Tübingen, the two journalists, Elena Riedlinger (data journalist) and Tobias Asmuth (freelance journalist), will examine the influence and impact artificial intelligence has on today’s society. Both applied for the 2023 Journalist-in-Residence program and won. 

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“Direktdurchwahl”: Straight-talk about AI. The Cyber Valley podcast

This new podcast is all about straight-talk: people from the Stuttgart-Tübingen region are invited to say what they think of AI and confront Cyber Valley researchers with their perspectives. Then, interview guests from the scientific community talk about real challenges in AI research rather than presenting unrealistic visions of the future. What can AI do? What are currently the greatest opportunities and risks in research and development?

If you have a topic suggestion or would like to be interviewed, please send us an email:!

“Direktdurchwahl” is available on, as well as on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music/Audible, Google Podcasts, and YouTube.

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Cyber Valley on the road

What is artificial intelligence (AI) and what is it exactly that scientists from Stuttgart and Tübingen are researching? How can society participate? And who makes the rules for the use of AI? We address questions like these in our free and bookable workshop and lecture program Cyber Valley on the road for interested citizen groups from the Stuttgart-Tübingen region. Invite our public engagement managers! 
To our workshop program

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Public engagement newsletter

Would you like to be kept up to date on our public engagement activities? Here you can sign up for our newsletter. Only available in German.
To the registration form

Fostering understanding of AI through figurative lan...

Anna Henschel explores AI communication as part of the JIR program
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Leveraging AI for target group testing in journalism

Willem de Haan selected to join the Cyber Valley JIR-Program
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"Cyber and the City" - University of Tübingen wins commun...

Excellent science communication on artificial intelligence
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Cyber Valley takes part in WIN Charta initiative

Further strengthening sustainability
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AI House Davos: Leading the Global Conversation on AI

The International Forum for AI Progress at the World Economic Forum 2024
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How is AI changing journalism?

Examining the impact of media reporting on artificial intelligence
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The national AI competition 2023 begins

Change the future with AI
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Exhibition: Cyber and the City

Artificial intelligence moves Tübingen
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Public Engagement Newsletter

December 2022
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Welcome, Bettina Friedrich!

MDR journalist is Cyber Valley Journalist-in-Residence until March 2023
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Public Engagement Newsletter – November 2022

What topics would you like to see in 2023?
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Germany’s first public engagement codex launched

Principles for a better dialogue between science and society
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Public Engagement Newsletter

Oktober 2022
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What is AI, what can it do, and what should it be able to...

Artificial intelligence explained
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A more realistic picture of the possibilities of AI

Julia Merlot on her stay as Cyber Valley Journalist-in-Residence
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